Wednesday, March 20, 2024
New High-Density EAS Monitoring Solutions
Ben Barber, President & CEO, Inovonics
John Lynch, Director of Business Development, BSW
6:30pm: Presentation
7:20pm: Q&A
Meeting will be virtual-only via Google Meet.
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Additional Information
We will discuss EAS monitoring of LP1, LP2, and NOAA Weather services. Inovonics recently released a triple receiver specifically designed to meet these monitoring requirements. Join us for a look behind the curtain at the features and functions of this receiver, and discover unique ways it can be integrated into your EAS architecture.
Presenter Bio
Ben always liked taking things apart and seeing how they worked. When his parents bought him a “Radio Shack 65-In-One Kit” at the age of 12, there was no looking back. He took electronic classes in high school and college, and one of his first jobs was soldering patch bays at the local AM Radio station where he grew up. That cemented it for Ben; a career in Electronics and Radio was his destiny.
Ben is the President and CEO of Inovonics Incorporated, an innovative broadcast equipment manufacturer located in the Bay Area of California.